“I saw him in the kitchen tucking his tail in between his legs scrounging for investors to cover his ass after that tweet,”, during which she also clarified that she was at Musk’s home from early on Friday through Sunday night. In an interview with Australian cable-tv music channel V at the 2013 Future Music. The revenue earned from advertising continues to enable us to provide FREE, quality content. Musk wrote a blog post, but.According to Banks, the investment issue was a major topic of concern at the Musk residence while she was there. Azealia Banks has also received criticism for her use of derogatory terms throughout 212 such as cunt. If you enjoy our content please support us by disabling your ad blocker. WheIt’s an open question whether Musk was being serious or whether he was making kind of a labored weed joke, if he was serious, his tweet could be seen as a manipulation of the marketplace.
While she was waiting for Grimes at her home. Azealia Banks exposing Elon Musk for tweeting while on Acid.